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Fairy Tales are Lies !
♥; Babyreginax
Regina Ng
Loves her ATTITUDE.
Wish Upon the Stars
❤ |
Thursday, April 14, 2011 i can't believe that i'm rotting at home almost every single night ! damn, i gotta look for a new cliche of friends to hang out with =.=. sighs, life's getting really boring. anyway, i seriously don't understand why can't people just be themselves and not try to imitate or be a copy of another person ? if you really wana learn and be someone else, at least own up to it when the person ask you. why lie right in the face when the person knows it already and sought of confront you ? they imitate you from the way you dress, speak, your attitude, character, the type of guys you go for, the things you use, the contact lens you wear and more till the way you take a photo. is there really a need to go to this extend ? seriously, can't anyone just be themselves and not be a copy of someone till this extend ? omg, i seriously got nothing to say and this is annoying me to the max. it's pissing me off big time !
I'm Going To Smile Like Nothing's Wrong ♥ Act Like It's Just A Dream ♥ # stamped with ♥ *][babyreginax 3:29 AM Thursday, April 07, 2011 Still feeling sick, kinda breathless and my body still feels very jelly like. whole day only lay in bed, use lappy and watch tv. Nicole came over today to visit me with chocolate pancake and soya milk from mr. bean, to curb my cravings ^^. anyway, hope i can recover soon so i can go out ! i don't wana stuck at home everyday =.=. that's all, ta - ta !
I'm Going To Smile Like Nothing's Wrong ♥ Act Like It's Just A Dream ♥ # stamped with ♥ *][babyreginax 11:27 PM Wednesday, April 06, 2011 Haven't updated for awhile, and my blog's rotting in a corner. lols. my life's pretty much mundane lately, i rarely head out and rot at home most of the time. my health is not in a good shape recently, the hospital is almost becoming my second home =.=. was admitted into the hospital just last Saturday morning, sighs ! and now, i down with a really bad cough out of the blue. my cough's really bad, i'm having a terrible sore throat and a bad headache. anyway, my goal now is to complete my diploma and get my cert. after that get a job with a good pay, and to travel once every 2 to 3 months. gonna put everything aside for now, and concentrate on earning money to help my mummy support the family and to tour the world ^^. will update soon, hopefully and maybe edit my blog a little. till then, ta - ta !
I'm Going To Smile Like Nothing's Wrong ♥ Act Like It's Just A Dream ♥ # stamped with ♥ *][babyreginax 3:16 AM Monday, February 07, 2011 Realized that i haven't blog in awhile, have been quite busy lately. Jan 18; Went to meet Alina her for dinner at a hawker center nearby her house, after that went up to her house for awhile before heading down to Bugis. We catch the movie Burlesque with Clarence and Jin Yong. After movie cab over to AMK for movie. Jan 19; Skipped school to play mahjong. After mahjong went for lunch then cab home. Jan 20; went swimming with Alina & Lewis at Bedok swimming complex, then went for dinner at KungFu Paradise at Bedok Point after that. Went to Kallang Bowl after that with Alina, Lewis, Leslie, Jin Yong & Clarence to bowl. Headed to Mac after bowling then cab home. Jan 22; Met up with Ran, Jian De, Joel & Alina at Bugis, went to empire states for dinner, after that accompanied Lanna to come coffee shop for dinner and slack. After that Alina & i bus down to Aljunied to meet up with Travis & Clarence then cab over to my place for mahjong ! Jan 23; Finished mahjong around 10+am, then helped my mummy to spring clean. Fell asleep after cleaning while waiting for dinner =.=. woke up around 10plus, then had dinner and stuff. Jan 24; Went to bed around 4am, then got woke up by the stupid renovation around 9plus =.=. woke up then watched tv the whole day. Jan 25; Around 6am cab over to yong long's place for mahjong, around 5plus bus over to the hawker center near Alina's house for dinner then went to cine to meet Owl & Jian De. slack at old town coffee then cab home after that. Jan 26; went to school, after school went to ntuc at white sands to do some grocery shopping then went home to rest. got dragged down to powerhouse around 2plus =.=. Jan 27; went to yong long's place for mahjong after clubbing, after clubbing went to the coffee shop nearby for breakfast. cab home to sleep after breakfast. Jan 28; went to Ratchada, after that went to D8 then to Bugis for supper. Cab home after that to rest. Jan 29; Went shopping with mummy at Tampinese. Jan 30; Went to Toa Payoh for dinner at dua peh's stall. After that went to Alina's house to fetch her then cab over to east coast park for a drink at 1 twenty six. Cab home around 1plus. Jan 31; went shopping in town, went to ion, far east then to somerset. Went to botak jones for dinner after that. Then slacked at old town. After that went to Travis house to slack while waiting for yong long to end work, then went over to his house for mahjong. Feb 1; cab home after mahjong. reached home, hand wash my new year clothes then did abit of accountings Feb 2; cleared my wardrobe. around evening went over to my grandparent's place for reunion dinner. went home after that. Feb 3; went over to my grandparent's place around 12plus to bai nian. around 5plus went over to my relative play to bai nian & mahjong. left around 9plus and cab over to another relative's place. cab home after that to bathe, then cab over to soon xiang's place for mahjong ! Feb 4; cab home around 8plus to sleep. went over to my grandparent's place around 5plus. then went home to rest. Feb 5; Met up with Ran at pasir ris mrt then train down to bugis together to meet joel and jian de. accompanied joel and jian de to shokudo for dinner, walk around then went to iluma's arcade then went to eat ice cream at marble slab (= ! cab over to clark quay after that and went to nana for awhile. then cab home for mahjong with alina, yuan yee and lewis. Feb 6; played mahjong till 1plus, then yuan yee and lewis left. owl & cheng boon came around 3plus for mahjong. played till about 10 then they left. ate cup noodle for dinner, bathe then went to bed. Feb 7; went to school, after school went to white sands to packet lunch for my dinner then went home. rotted at home the whole day. school was ok, the lecturer's still as funny as ever ! i just enjoy his classes. lols. anyway, down with stupid cough, flu & sore throat and it isn't getting any better. i even lose my voice on thurs, thank god i got my voice back on sat. lols. it was really terrible to lose my voice, being not able to speak to worst then death ! just hope i'll recover soon ! That's all, it's long winded i know =.=. i had a hard time tracking back, i should blog more often next time. lols. BYE !
I'm Going To Smile Like Nothing's Wrong ♥ Act Like It's Just A Dream ♥ # stamped with ♥ *][babyreginax 11:30 PM Monday, January 17, 2011 HELLO ! i finally found some time to update. ok, i was kinda lazy so i dragged till now. lols. Jan 1; went to changi village with didi, mummy & her bf for dinner, then mahjong & blackjack at night with Alina, Eric & Lewis. Nuris came over too. Jan 2; went for breakfast after that with them, slack for awhile then went home to rest. Papa & mama came to fetch me & didi for dinner at he ping fan dian., then drove us home. around 9plus, i cab over to MBS to meet up with Alina & Lewis for a drink at Fuse located in MBS. Jan 3; cab over to Alina's house around 1am to put her stuff down then we cab over to Cine and went to kbox. Jian Liang came to join us around 3plus, then long & the rest came around 5plus. went to long's house to play mahjong after kbox. around 3, cab home to sleep. Jan 4; was about to head to bed when Xtrimas called and jio for mahjong. prepared then train down to long's house for mahjong. after that went to sims vista for brunch with Alina, then cab to lavender to do my passport. went to tcc at plaza sing to slack and to pay my sch fees but some fucked up stuff happened. after that went over to boat to meet up with jian liang and his friends for a drink at club samurai. Jan 5; got myself kinda drunk, travis cab down to cab me home then went off. slept for about 4 hours, prepared then went to school. cab home after school to sleep ! stayed home all night. Jan 6; rotted at home. Jan 7; went to ryan's house for overnight mahjong with Alina & Lewis. Jan 8; cab home around 11am to sleep. woke up around 6 to prepare then train down to esplanade to meet up with jian de. went over to makan sutra to meet up with Alina, her brother & Jian Liang for dinner. went to harry's bar for a drink, then walked over to clark quay to meet colin. Jan 9; cabbed home around 2+am with jian liang, alina & colin for mahjong at my place. colin's friend came over 4plus. mahjong game ended 6+ then we went to coffee express for breakfast. slack till 10plus then we walked back to my place. mahjong with mummy till 6plus. Jan 10; around 2plus am cab over to Alina's house, then cab over to east coast for supper. around 6am we cab back to her place to rest. fell alseep around 8am, woke up around 2. prepared then bus down to lavender to collect my passport and met up with jian de. after that we train down to kranji and took a bus to woodlands checkpoint. went in to jb, city square for our meal at kim gary then went shopping. after that we slack at mac till 10+ then we came back to singapore. went back to alina's house to sleep. Jan 11; slack at alina's house, around 9plus we cab over to ecp for dinner at old town. after dinner, we went to 1 twenty six for a drink. cab home around 1. Jan 12; slept for about 2 hours, then went to school. went over to alina's house after school, then went to bugis to meet joel for brunch at NYDC. went shopping after that then train home to put down my stuff and rest awhile. started preparing around 7plus then went out. met up with the peeps at plaza sing, then walked over to oph ksuite. Jan 13; after ksuite went over to yong long's house. plan was to play mahjong but everyone fell asleep. then i waited till 6plus when xtrimas is finally home, i went off. cab home with leslie. Jan 14; prepared then headed out around 7pm. went to bugis for dinner, then went to buy my perfume and then to play pool. after that bus down to kallang for bowling, then to kallang mac for supper. cab over to east cost after that for billiard and pool. Jan 15; after pool... around 7+am, cab over to long's house for mahjong. after mahjong, rest for awhile then went for brunch. after that cab over to alina's house to shower and all then cab down to geylang west cc to meet up with clarence and jin yong. cab down to geylang serai cc for badminton. around 9... cabbed home after badminton, bathe and went to bed. Jan 16; Jian Liang came over my place around 7, then we cab to ehub to catch the movie "ghost must be crazy". after movie he walked me home, then went off. thanks to the badminton, my whole body's still aching and my arm hurts really badly )= ! & this afternoon, mummy was talking to me about renovating my temp room. she wanted to get me a full-height cabinet and a new LCD TV. she also mentioned that my tenant's planning to buy a house, but have got no idea when are they shifting out. so i told her to forget renovating my room, coz i'm gonna shift in to my original room anyway. hope that they'll shift out faster, so i can move back into my own spacious room ! i've got too many stuff, and my temp room is getting really cramped up. i can barely tolerate staying in this room any longer =.=. that's all for now. bye !
I'm Going To Smile Like Nothing's Wrong ♥ Act Like It's Just A Dream ♥ # stamped with ♥ *][babyreginax 3:19 AM |
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